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Star Wars In Concert Review

Star Wars In Concert-Sacramento Review By: April Meneghetti Sandwichjohnfilms would like thank the guy over at DCpublicity and Star Wars In Concert for the great seats to the show on Oct 9,2009. Star Wars In Concert was an awesome show. There were some really great costumes in the crowd and I loved seeing all the kids pumped up to see the concert. I have to say that I was very surprised that Arco Arena was not more full. Sandwichjohnfilms was lucky enough to be able to attend the Friday and Saturday show and neither one was even close to filling the Arena. The show was a combination of the the music of Star Wars, John Williams composed the music for all six films, and clips from all six movies with Anthony Daniels (who portrayed C-3PO) narrating. The show started and ended with a montage of all of the films. The rest was presented in more or less a chronological order in pieces with titles such as The Rise of A Hero and A Fateful Love to name a few. It definitely met with t

Will there Be a Fourth Twilight Film?

Will there Be a Fourth Twilight Film? Do you really think that they haven't already greenlit the fourth movie. Forget about it. Even if the next film doesn't gross anywhere near the first movie. It's still going to come out. Ah if it didn't my wife and sister would be so pissed. A casting agent's press release ignited a firestorm of speculation this morning with its announcement that " The Twilight Saga : Breaking Dawn production has been greenlit by Summit Entertainment." Only to be followed by an unnamed Summit representative telling Gossip Cop that, "The film has not been greenlit—and thus no decisions about the film's shooting location, start date, the director, etc. ... have been made." Will Breaking Dawn end up as one film? Or two? Stephenie Meyer has been quoted as saying that a single movie wouldn't be sufficient to carry the plot of her novel. "It would have to be made into multiple movies, because it's hard to imagine

Angelina Jolie Steps In For Charlize Theron As "The Tourist"

Angelina Jolie Steps In For Charlize Theron As "The Tourist" If we are talking about eye candy then either one would be just fine for me. It like trading an apple for an apple all the same to me. Both are gorgeous and can act. It's more which one do you like more? Also Look like Sam Worthington will be replacing my main man Tom Cruise in the film also. The project is now also seeking a director, as Bharat Nalluri, the "Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day" helmer who had been attached to direct, is as of last week off the project. Are we playing revolving door here? Charlize Theron has opted out of the Spyglass-produced thriller "The Tourist," to which she has long been attached, and in talks to replace her is one Angelina Jolie, sources say. Production has at least until this point been tentatively set for early 2010, which could prompt producers to act quickly on a director. A remake of the French thriller " Anthony Zimmer " from 2005, "T

World Of WarCraft Film Has Found It's Screenwriter

World Of WarCraft Film Has Found It's Screenwriter MTV let us know that Sam Raimi told them that "Saving Private Ryan" writer Robert Rodat will be tackling the " Warcraft " script. The aim is to adapt the game, rather than a previously conceived story written within that world. "We want to be really faithful to the game," Raimi said. "We would have our writer, Robert Rodat , really craft an original story within that world that feels like a 'World of WarCraft ' adventure. Only obviously it's very different 'cause it's expanded and translated into the world of a motion picture." Are you a " World of Warcraft " player? What are your hopes for this movie? Will "Spider-Man" director Sam Raimi be the filmmaker who finally gives the world a first-class video game adaptation? Please Leave A Comment- Source- MTV

Bryan Singer In Talks To Return To "X-Men"

Bryan Singer In Talks To Return To "X-Men" This is good news to my ears. I thought that the last X-Men movie was a bomb with Brett Ratner directing the movie,i feel that it almost killed the franchise. Bryan Singer said Sunday he's interested in making another "X-Men" movie and has discussed the possibility with Twentieth Century Fox. The American director made "X-Men" and "X2: X-Men United," but passed on the third installment so he could make "Superman Returns.""Rush Hour" director Brett Ratner ended up shooting that film, "X-Men: The Last Stand." South African filmmaker Gavin Hood made another spin-off, "X-Men Origins: Wolverine," which was released earlier this year. "I'm still looking to possibly returning to the 'X-Men' franchise. I've been talking to Fox about it," Singer said he enjoyed making science fiction and fantasy movies because they allowed him to discuss seriou

NBC Chuck To Make It's Return Soon

NBC Chuck To Make It's Return Soon This is great News for me and my wife(better news for her,she has a crush on Zarchary Levi). NBC is having a hell of a year with their new show, Southland Getting Canceled even before it airs this year. The new season of Chuck was to Air in March of next year, but looks likely it may return in October. Be sure to Read My Exclusive Interview with Zarchary Levi Here My moles tell me. And while it remains unclear whether the little show that could (and has and shall again) would return to its Monday timeslot or find itself a new perch, NBC insiders who’ve seen the first four episodes are calling this season the best yet. But wait, there’s more. If Chuck does come back sooner rather than later, the chances of NBC ordering additional episodes beyond the 13 it initially commissioned increases dramatically. And they increase further if it performs solidly. Related News- Exclusive Zarchary Levi From NBC Chuck Interview. Superman Lands On NBC Chuck Please

Toy Story 3 Full Trailer

Toy Story 3 Full Trailer The full trailer has made it way online. For how long I could not say. SO watch it while you can before its gone. I am sure Disney will release the Official trailer any day now. The movie looks great, the animation is just incredible Awesome work done by Pixar again.Disney and Pixar are going to have another Huge hit on their hand with this movie when it is Released this year. Woody, Buzz, and the rest of their toy-box friends are dumped in a day-care center after their owner, Andy, departs for college. Other Related News- Details of Toy Story 3 Plot Please Leave A Comment-

J.J. Abrams Talks Star Trek 2 and Mission Impossible 4

J.J. Abrams Talks Star Trek 2 and Mission Impossible 4 In the meantime here’s an exclusive online Q&A with director JJ Abrams, in which he explains just what made him want to explore the depths of the Vulcan psyche and why he left our cover star’s famous bowl-cut well alone. I feel that now we have a story that shows these characters in very relatable ways, sometimes more amusing than others, but you see who they are and where they come from. I think if the movie accomplishes anything, it’s that you meet this group of characters that you like, and you see them essentially come together as a family. While I certainly enjoy watching the original actors in their roles, you’re never given that window onto their formative years - how they formed that partnership and that community on the bridge and on the ship. It was really important that the characters be believable and relevant and not just caricatures in a sci-fi world and certainly not impersonations of the earlier actors. I think