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And So It Goes Review

Review by Brandon Wolfe Oren Little (Michael Douglas) is a real estate legend who prides himself on being able to sell anything. Looking to unload the majestic home where he raised his family as his final big score before heading off into the sunset, Oren shows a remarkable insensitivity toward his ethnically diverse potential buyers, transparently decorating the house with photographs of people from the same racial backgrounds as themselves (and even getting that wrong, as when he presents a Korean couple with pictures of Chinese people). And this is after we see him shoot a dog with a paintball gun to shoo it off of the property. For Oren, you see, is a huge jerk, a man who lost his wife some years back and has opted to wash his hands of all good graces ever since. He lives in a charming fourplex that he owns called Little Shangri-La, which he seems to love in spite of the fact that it’s a close-quarters property populated by a friendly, tight-knit community that Oren seems to ...