Survivor All-Star 2 Announced So who's your money on? We already know that next season's Survivor will be another "All-Star" edition, this time dubbed Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains. After 19 seasons there have certainly been some stand-out personalities. And now, we know exactly which ones are headed back out to try their luck again. And one player from Samoa will be joining them -- need I say who? Just as Rupert Boneham went straight from the Pearl Islands edition into the first All-Stars, the producers recognized right away what a villain they had in Russell Hantz, and the Samoa runner-up was sent right back out to try his luck in an all-villains team. The full "Villains" roster: Tyson Apostol (Tocantins) - smart-ass who hated Sierra Randy Bailey (Gabon) - curmudgeon who hated everyone Sandra Diaz-Twine (Pear Islands) - won without winning a single challenge Danielle DiLorenzo (Panama) - beat Cirie in the final fire-making challenge Russell Hantz (Samoa) ...