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Showing posts with the label Boaz Yoakin


#Maxmovie Trailer Is Here Starring @RobbieAmell

As American Sniper proved a monster hit at the US box office, director Boaz Yoakin and the team behind Max must have been counting their blessings. Because this one combines inspirational military behaviour, a cute dog and a troubled teen all wrapped up in one mostly-–easy–to–digest package. The Max of the film is the dog – a working Marine pooch that has been serving in Afghanistan alongside his handler, Kyle ( Robbie Amell ). But when Kyle is killed in action, a shell-shocked Max is shipped off back home to recuperate and learn to live without him. Which is where Kyle’s family come in, and particularly his bolshie little brother Justin ( Josh Wiggins ). See, Josh is looking for a little direction in his life and when it’s discovered that no-one can work with Max given his PTSD, Justin is roped in to try and reach out to the dog. We’d say you can guess what’s coming next, but the trailer pretty much spells that out, and we don't mean it goes all Cujo. How you approach th...