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Showing posts with the label Extract


Beavis and Butthead Promote " Extract "

Beavis and Butthead Promote EXTRACT Wow what a blast from the past to Hear Beavis Laugh, brought back memories when I had roommates and all we did was watch the show and laugh our ass off. Crazy Cast From Jason Bateman to Gene Simmons . Movie looks like it's going to be a sleeper hit. Mike Judge is the creator of Beavis and Butthead and he pulled out his Ace in the hole to help promote the movie. Extract the Movie Comes out on September 4th. I know I will be in the theathers on Friday afternoon to watch this movie!! @ Yahoo! Video Joel, the owner of an extract manufacturing plant, constantly finds himself in precarious situations that steadily worsen by the minute. First, his soon-to-be floor manager acquires a serious injury in a machine malfunctioning accident. This subsequently endangers the well being of his company. Second, his personal life doesn't fair much better when he takes the advice of his bartending friend, Dean. Dean during a drug-induced brainstorming session...