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Showing posts with the label Excalibur


Guy Ritchie To Direct Excalibur

Guy Ritchie To Direct Excalibur After reading this let me know if you got confused or not. Well I was confused until I looked at it again. So, get this: Warner Brothers also put a competing production into development. But this one is not a remake of the Boorman film, it’s a big-screen adaptation of Warren Ellis’ Excalibur treatment . Now, the fact that Warren Ellis is working on a Excalibur movie isn’t new — he announced it on his own blog last July. (Coincidentally, Ellis also had a run as a writer of Marvel’s Excalibur — a series that featured Captain Britain and a number of former X-Men members — early in his career). The news here, actually, is who is angling to direct this version of Excalibur: Some dude named Guy Ritchie. Yes. Ole Lock Stock and Two Holmes. Ritchie’s version is set up at the Hollywood Gang production studio (while Singer’s version is set up at Legendary). Moreover, the take is different. While Singer’s version is closer to a remake of the Boorman film, Ritchie’s...

Bryan Singer Talks X-Men: First Class

Bryan Singer Talks X-Men: First Class Now that he's officially signed to develop and direct the film, Bryan Singer has begun to talk - at least, to drop hints - about mutant prequel pic X-Men: First Class. Singer admitted that while he couldn't talk specifically about the story (it's still a secret), he could lock down what part of the X-story it would cover. "It’s basically about the formation of the X-Men. How they began and the relationship between a young Xavier and a young Magneto." And since it'll borrow elements from Eric Lensherr's longer life, it's even more likely that the Magneto origin movie will be shoved back on the schedule as Fox concentrates on this. "This story would probably utilize some of the Magneto story because it deals with a young Magneto, so it might supersede that because this would explore that relationship between a young energetic professor and a disenfranchised victim of the Holocaust." But even First Class wi...

Bryan Singer to Redo "Excalibur" and talks X Men

Bryan Singer to Redo "Excalibur" and talks X Men Singer is going to be a very busy man. With alot on his plate let's see if he sticks to his guns and follows threw with all these movies. Singer recently signed on to develop to direct and produce “ Battlestar Galactica " “Jack the Giant Killer,” a riff on the Jack and the Beanstalk legend. Warner Bros. has closed a rights deal to remake the 1981 “ Excalibur ,” with Bryan Singer producing and developing the picture as a potential directing vehicle. Deal comes as Singer gets serious about making the New Line-Legendary co-production “Jack the Giant Killer” his next directing effort, according to sources. WB and Legendary Pictures have labored for months to pull together the rights to the film, which Singer will produce with Julie Yorn . Polly Johnsen , who was Polly Cohen when she was the WB exec who presided over the Singer-directed WB /Legendary collaboration “Superman Returns,” will also be a producer. "Exca...