HOMECOMING is a mind-bending psychological thriller starring Julia Roberts and directed by Sam Esmail (creator of MR. ROBOT). Heidi Bergman (Roberts) is a caseworker at the Homecoming Transitional Support Center, a Geist Group facility helping soldiers transition back to civilian life. Walter Cruz ( Stephan James ) is one of these soldiers, eager to begin the next phase of his life. Overseeing Heidi and the facility is Colin Belfast ( Bobby Cannavale ), an ambitious company man whose manic demands point to questionable motives. Four years later, Heidi has started a new life, living with her mother ( Sissy Spacek ) and working as a small-town waitress, when a Department of Defense auditor ( Shea Whigham ) comes to her with questions about why she left the Homecoming facility. Heidi begins to realize that there’s a whole other story behind the story she’s been telling herself. Based on the popular podcast of the same name, HOMECOMING is created by Eli Horowitz and Micah Bloomber...