And we thought August was bad - welcome to our September On the Radar Preview! If any of you had trouble choosing or recommending a good movie released last month, we feel for you! After the very good Guardians of the Galaxy was released on August 1st, the rest of the month was filled meh, from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to The November Man, some of which have drawn good but unimpressive numbers. But now September is upon us, and judging from the utter lack of high-performing - or even appealing - films, we're going to to call it right now: September 2014 will draw the lowest numbers of the year, and could establish itself as one of the worst Septembers in the past 15 years. Don't believe us? Check out this list: September 5 No major releases this month - Sorry, but The Identical - slated for release one-third that of a standard Hollywood blockbuster - seems to have zero buzz going behind it. For us to not recommend anything for a week is a first, and s...