After a lengthy and eventful shoot (which started way back in January, saw the original directors removed, and a new one installed), the Han Solo Star Wars spin-off movie has finally finished filming. And it no longer goes by the snappy working title of Untitled Han Solo Star Wars Spin-off Movie. In a characteristic bit of social media engagement, director Ron Howard posted a video revealing the official title (with help from a wookiee pal) as Solo: A Star Wars Story. Hey #Twitterville we just wrapped production so here's a special message #StarWars — Ron Howard (@RealRonHoward) October 17, 2017 The title is perhaps the second-least surprising name for a Star Wars story centering around a character named Han Solo, but a proper title certainly makes things feel more official – while the 'Star Wars Story' element keeps it on brand with last year's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story . The film now dives headfirst into months of post-prod...