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Showing posts with the label Cop Car


Movie Review: #COPCAR The Coen Bros. Would Be Flattered

The Coen bros. would be flattered Thanks to RAMA for reviewing the film. Make sure to Follow RAMA on Facebook and Twitter . What a marvelous first rate thriller and it has Coen Brothers vibe to it. Intense and smartly written. It’s interesting to see two innocent young kids in the middle of all this chaos where the adults are trying cover their asses and just edging to blow each other brains out. Directed by Jon Watts whose next assignment is to bring us a brand new Spider-Man movie, this Sundance hit stars Kevin Bacon as a dirty corrupt small town sheriff. Trust me when I say you do not want to mess with the Kevin Bacon in “Cop Car,” because Bacon’s Sheriff Kretzer has no problem shutting you up if it means him getting away with murder. When a pair of ten-year olds find an abandoned cop car in a field, they take it for a joyride, they’re just innocent kids imagining like they’re some kind of race car drivers in the middle of nowhere. But what they don’t know is that that co...

#CopCar Official Poster Starring #KevinBacon

A pair of ten-year-olds find an abandoned cop car in a field. When they take it for a joyride, it seems like they could kill themselves at any moment. But things only get worse when the small town sheriff goes looking for his missing car. The kids find themselves in the center of a deadly game of cat and mouse they don't understand and the only way out is to go as fast as their cop car can take them. Please Leave A Comment-