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Showing posts with the label January 2016


#MarvelCollectorCorps Review: February 2016

Marvel Collector Corps celebrates the release of Deadpool with a top-notch selection of foul-mouthed goodness. Review by Matt Cummings With our decision to abandon Loot Crate and our faith in Geek Fuel going month to month ), we're now fully invested in the odd-month releases, including Marvel Collector Corps. The reasons for our switching were simple, and have since formed the cornerstone of our review process: QUALITY and TIMING. This month's DEADPOOL theme are good examples of these benchmarks, strengthening our belief that the month-to-month model is on its way out. The Promise Before we begin, let's look at the deal again: promising a value of $50, the box would keep the "fluff" (their words) to a minimum with Funko partnering each time to deliver an exclusive figure. Joining at the Founders level would get you an 8" exclusive figure on your one-year anniversary, but you can also subscribe at the Collector level at $25 with $6.95 shi...

#StarWarsSmugglersBounty Review: January 2016

The Star Wars/Funko Smuggler's Bounty sub box sparks familiar (and disappointing) themes. Review by Matt Cummings As we've chronicled for you over the past year, geek subscription boxes have been mired in a whipsaw that see quality and timing take a consistent beating. One month it's the extraordinary, the next we're wondering why we bothered. Few have consistently presented their best face, with Marvel Collector Corps and Star Wars rising to the top. But as we saw with this month's Smuggler's Bounty , some contents are starting to repeat themselves. Before diving in, let's review the details: The cost for a Month to Month is $25 (plus S/H), or $150 (plus S/H) for a one-year subscription. You get one box every other month, with SB promising $50 in value and no fluff. If you choose the Smuggler membership (yearly), you are promised an additional gift on your anniversary. Guess which one we chose. Sporting a theme of THE RESISTANCE, this ...

#GeekFuel Review: January 2016

January's Geek Fuel is both a beautiful and frustrating experience. Review by Matt Cummings After a somewhat disappointing November and a definite dud from December , we spent a couple of weeks wondering if our love for generic geek boxes was at an end. Having already given Loot Crate the big "See ya - wouldn't wanna be ya!" it was GeekFuel's turn to change our minds. Unfortunately, that didn't happen this month, although some of the items are truly great. But as you'll soon see, those experiences will tempered by exercises in pure frustration. Before diving in, let's review the details: The cost for a Month to Month is $17.90, $16.90/month for a 3-month subscription, $15.90/month for a 6-month tour and just $13.90/month for a one-year subscription. Shipping $6.00 to the US, Canada, and at least a few other countries. We use QUALITY and TIMING to base our reviews, so let's see how this box stands up. As always, we'll end ...