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Showing posts with the label Eddie Janko


Blue Bloods S05E18 Recap: Bad Company

Why Is Sorry Not Enough This Week? Story by David Clark This week on Blue Bloods guest star Amelia Rose Blaire, best known for her time on True Blood , should win an award from the show producers for best moment of the season. When Frank Reagan was a younger cop he was lead detective on a case in which a family was brutally murdered. The only survivor of the murders was a young girl. When the murderer was finally found Frank put a bullet in him but did not kill him. Fast forward to present day and the young orphaned girl is now a fully grown woman named Sarah Grant. Sentenced to life in prison the man who murdered Sarah’s family contacts her by letter a few short days before Sarah is supposed to be married. Having viewed Frank as a father figure growing up because he saved her life, Sarah turns to him when the killer asks to meet. Interestingly the process depicted on this episode whereby an imprisoned offender can request to meet with a victim is a real thing in ...