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Showing posts with the label Jordan Vogt-Roberts


Movie Review: #KongSkullIsland

The monster movie universe just got bigger with the inventive but slightly flawed Kong: Skull Island . Review by Matt Cummings If anything was proven by the mammoth $652 million which Jurassic World took home in 2015, it was that audiences want their big monster movies in whatever form they can get them. With Kong: Skull Island , they'll see their wish granted, giving us a far better version than Jurassic 's bore-fest, even though this one has its fair share of problems. As the United States begins pulling out of Vietnam, emotions run the gamut, but a team of desperate scientists couldn't care less: they represent Monarch, an agency on its last legs because their crackpot leader Randa (John Goodman) can't find anyone to listen to his claims of monsters inhabiting deep caves under the earth. Luckily, a report by Hudson Brooks (Corey Hawkins) has left one last door open to explore a recently-discovered island that the Soviets might claim if the US doesn...