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Showing posts with the label Emily Carey


Movie Review: #WonderWoman

Wonder Woman surprises in both its heady action and anti-war humanity. Review by Matt Cummings If the current state of the DC Cinematic Universe could be translated into an actual form, it might resemble a dumpster fire. Fueled by the disappointment of Batman Vs Superman: Dawn of Justice and lit afire by the should-have-been-better Suicide Squad , Warner Bros has endured a wave of Internet rage that it fully deserves. Luckily, the fourth entry - Wonder Woman - arrives to put out that fire, resetting this franchise with terrific acting, superb action sequences, and several appealing and frankly surprising storylines. Diana of Themyscira (Gal Gadot) grows up young and defiant, loves her mother Queen Hippolyta (Connie Nielsen), but desires to be trained as an Amazonian warrior. Sneaking out at night, she learns from her aunt General Antiope (Robin Wright), who sees great things in Diana but must hide the girl's real destiny from her. Years later when World War I arr...