OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN DVD Review By: MattInRC The Die Hard/Air Force One action thriller OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN is fun, exciting fare. I've always considered Gerard Butler to be one of the least utilized actors in Hollywood. Best known as Leonidas in the amazing visual feast known as 300 , Butler's phyique and stage presence instantly won over fans who worshipped him as a bonified action star. He was even considered for the role of James Bond before Daniel Craig was ultimately given the keys to the Aston Martin. Then, something happened: Butler began showing up in RomComs and other lesser action titles, of which none suited or matched his talents. When your film diet consists of Playing for Keeps and The Ugly Truth , one might start to think you're the victim of a cruel joke. Luckily, someone saw the action hero in Butler, and OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN represents the perfect return to the place where he should have been all along. Butler plays Mike Banning, a...