James Bond : Secret agent, ladies' man, construction worker. Wait, a blue-collar turn for the black tie 007? Not exactly, but he does prove that he can operate a crane to devastating impact in this first clip from the upcoming 23rd Bond film, Skyfall . We've seen plenty of action on forward-chugging trains before (it's pretty much where film got its start), but rare is it that a guy busts open the back of one with a massive construction vehicle. And looks so darn cool and collected while doing so. But that's Bond: a special character, who on Friday celebrates his 50th anniversary of being on screen. Watch the clip after the Jump... While Daniel Craig stars in this Bond film -- his third -- it all started with Sean Connery in Dr. No, one of a flurry of 007 flicks to come out in the early '60s. The franchise has been counting down to this special occassion all summer and fall, and to honor the birth of the world's most cunning (and shape-shiftin