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#MarvelCollectorCorps Review: February 2016

Marvel Collector Corps celebrates the release of Deadpool with a top-notch selection of foul-mouthed goodness. Review by Matt Cummings With our decision to abandon Loot Crate and our faith in Geek Fuel going month to month ), we're now fully invested in the odd-month releases, including Marvel Collector Corps. The reasons for our switching were simple, and have since formed the cornerstone of our review process: QUALITY and TIMING. This month's DEADPOOL theme are good examples of these benchmarks, strengthening our belief that the month-to-month model is on its way out. The Promise Before we begin, let's look at the deal again: promising a value of $50, the box would keep the "fluff" (their words) to a minimum with Funko partnering each time to deliver an exclusive figure. Joining at the Founders level would get you an 8" exclusive figure on your one-year anniversary, but you can also subscribe at the Collector level at $25 with $6.95 shi

Marvel Collector Corps Review: December 2015

Marvel Collector Corps attains top sub box status with its GUARDIANS theme. Review by Matt Cummings The subscription box industry is an inconsistent mess, propped up by an amazing reveal one month, then a disaster the next (see our Geek Fuel lamentations HERE and HERE ). The problem seems to be QUALITY and TIMING, with Fuel offering cheap Christmas goods that had very little to do with Star Wars , which is what every December box should be doing. Their November box was also a letdown, filled with slightly more interesting items, but nowhere near their spectacular September submission. While we haven't yet seen Loot Crate's offering, we're worried about the effect that this whipsaw is having on geek lovers everywhere. Why buy a 'mystery box' when it's clear that sometimes these providers are merely robbing Hot Topic and Spencer's of its marked-down merch? As the answers continue to vex us, one box has made quality and timing its #1 goals: Ma

Marvel Collector Corps Review: October 2015

Marvel Collector Corps delivers steady returns with its VILLAINS theme. Review by Matt Cummings The subscription box war has seen amazing things lately, with two of the best ever from both Loot Crate and Geek Fuel. But folks, remember that an upstart is making waves as well: Marvel Collector Corps. Ill-content to let money pass along to lesser box companies, Marvel has delivered steady returns for fans in May , June , and August . This sort of 'steady-Eddie' approach might make each box seem a bit...predictable...but its quality and value make it a compelling choice whil.e others ebb and flow with increasing frequency. This month it's VILLAINS. The Promise Before we begin, let's look at the deal again: promising a value of $50, the box would keep the "fluff" (their words) to a minimum with Funko partnering each time to deliver an exclusive figure. Joining at the Founders level would get you an 8" exclusive figure on your one-year ann