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Showing posts with the label Loot Crate


#LootCrate Review: October 2015

After a dismal September decline, Loot Crate's October TIME box is perhaps the best EVER. Review by Matt Cummings OK, don't blame us for being cynical: September's Loot Crate was perhaps the worst sub box we've ever received. It certainly gave February a run for its money, placing en emphatic bookend on a run of very good boxes. We got great boxes in March , April , May , and June , and July , before August began a spell of declining efforts, lacking original thought and quality. But September was the proof we needed to end our subscription and seek the warmer shores of Geek Fuel (read our review HERE ). So when it came to re-up for October, we were more than a little hesitant. Luckily, SandwichJohn convinced us to try one more time, and we couldn't have made a better choice. Loot Crate's October box is the best of the year, and perhaps the best box we've ever received. You think we're kidding? Just read on, but Remember Loot's

#LootCrate Review: September 2015

Loot Crate's SUMMON box arrives with a giant thud. Review by Matt Cummings In our August review, we discussed the continued new direction subscription box service Loot Crate was taking. Having turned in an impressive run from March , April , May , and June , and July , we began to notice a movement towards fewer items, including the disappearance of their famous shirts. And for awhile this worked...sort of. Cool figures, a hardbound book, and a rad batarang were just some of the 'upgrades' which satiated our real desire for the return of the shirt. But as I soon learned, September's box SUMMON was as disjointed (and cheap) as any I've ever received. Remember Loot's promise: a $22 subscription should yield more in value than the cost. And while that may be the case with this one, it's not without serious shortcomings. This is the smallest box Loot has done in recent memory, which didn't bode well for what I found inside. Up

#LootCrate Review: August 2015

As August's Villains 2 box arrives, will fans support Loot Crate's new direction? Read on to find out! Review by Matt Cummings Loot Crate appears to be at a crossroads. Having turned in an impressive run of subscription boxes in March , April , May , and June , July proved the company isn't willing to keep sending us the same thing every month. The once staple crop of a t-shirt surrounded by lower-end stuff was recently replaced with a cool figure, a hardbound book, and a rad batarang that's quickly become the most used bottle opener in the house. Some fans (like our own SandwichJohn) are opting out, with others complaining that Loot's LevelUp program is sending shirts that don't arrive with their Crate and ultimately don't fit. August's box of VILLAINS 2 is more of the same, leaving me to wonder how long customer loyalty will last. Remember Loot's promise: a $22 subscription should yield more in value than the cost. Let's see

#LootCrate Review: July 2015

Can Loot Crate keep up its successful run with July 2015's Heroes2? Read on to find out! Review by Matt Cummings The subscription box Loot Crate has amassed a stellar run recently, having delivered exceptional boxes in March , April , May , and June . But potential problems threaten subscriber support, as the company tries a new upgrade plan that could see their mainstay - the shirt - available only in higher-priced boxes. And while I like July's theme of HEROES 2, the lack of a shirt is a lingering concern. We've noticed that USPS and other carriers are doing a better job delivering the boxes, as this one is missing the usual dents and scratches that plagued earlier deliveries. Upon cracking the case, we see a neat Batman figure but no t-shirt, a real bummer but one almost made up by what looks like a sweet Batman figure. Last month's Tron-inspired Optimus Prime was perhaps one of its best ever, and I was hoping this month for a worthy opponent. Its