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Four Brothers Movie Sequel Is Planned Titled Five Brothers.

Four Brothers Movie Sequel Is Planned Titled Five Brothers. You have got to be kidding me right. How creative is Hollywood? The film will be title " Five Brothers ". In the first film one brother died.So where are they going to find more brothers to make it 5? Are they going to find out they have more brothers in Mexico? Was not a huge fan of Four Brothers, But do enjoy it when it is on TNT in the middle of the night and I need something to put me to sleep. I think this is just a bad idea. Paramount is developing a sequel to its 2005 thriller "Four Brothers," bringing back many of the creative team for "Five Brothers." Mark Wahlberg eyeing a return to star and hatched the sequel idea with original writers David Elliot and Paul Lovett, who are writing "Five." Lorenzo Di Bonaventura is back to produce. The 2005 movie, directed by John Singleton, revolved around four adopted brothers (Wahlberg, Tyrese Gibson, Andre Benjamin and Garre

The Crazies New Trailer and Posters

The Crazies New Trailer and Posters The Crazies is an upcoming 2010 American horror film that is a remake of George A. Romero's 1973 film of the same name.From what I have seen from the trailers this movie looks pretty intense, and the trailer gets right to the point. Also an added bonus the film stars Timothy Olyphant. I have been a huge fan of his since the first time I saw "Go" A husband and wife in a small Midwestern town find themselves battling for survival as their friends and family descend into madness in The Crazies. A mysterious toxin in the water supply turns everyone exposed to it into mindless killers and the authorities leave the uninfected to their certain doom in this terrifying reinvention of the George Romero horror classic. Directed by Breck Eisner (Sahara), The Crazies is written by Ray Wright (Pulse, Case 39) and Scott Kosar (The Amityville Horror, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre). The American Dream goes horribly wrong when the residents of this picture

Jurassic Park 4 Joe Johnston Leaks A little Info On The Movie

Jurassic Park 4 Joe Johnston Leaks A little Info On The Movie Director Joe Johnston,Talks about upcoming Jurassic Park 4 Film "Well, there is going to be a Jurassic Park IV. And it's going to be unlike anything you've seen. It breaks away from the first three—it's essentially the beginning of the second Jurassic Park trilogy. It's going to be done in a completely different way."That's big. So not to lock you in, but there's a possibility there might be a total of six films?"Well, you never know. If they keep working—and if audiences keep going to them—there's no reason why there wouldn't be. We just want to make them justified in their own right. We don't want to make sequel after sequel just because there's a market for it. We want to tell different, interesting stories. You don't want to just sell hamburger." He wouldn't discuss story with them, but he said, "We don't want to make sequel after sequel just be

21 Jump Street Movie Update

21 Jump Street Movie Update Here is an u;update on the upcoming 21 Jump Street movie. comingsoon got their hand on Jonah Hill and he let them in on a few things. "We're going to shoot it this year I think." says Hill, "We hired directors, Phil Lord and Chris Miller who directed 'Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs' and are friends of mine. They are incredible. Their take on the movie is incredible... It's about cops who go back to high school. Young rookie cops who go back to high school. I think that's a real interesting idea as opposed to saying, that's not what happened in the show so it can't happen in the movie'. Working from a script by Michael Bacall and Joe Gazzam with an original idea by Hill (who is also executive producing), the film will keep the same basic premise as the series but will have a tone that Hill believes will surprise fans. "[Audiences are] not expecting what it's going to be. It's not a parody of the

Sinestro To Appear In Green Lantern Film?

Sinestro To Appear In Green Lantern Film? Everyone's up in arms about "Spider-Man" this week, and I can understand why. It's huge news. But it's certainly not the only superhero film that's gearing up to shoot, and "Green Lantern" is actually closer to a start date, with major casting news breaking in the last week. Obviously, Ryan Reynolds was tapped last year after a very close horse race to play Hal Jordan, whose attempt to help a dying alien at a crash site ends up turning him into an intergalactic superhero. Then last week, there was an announcement about Blake Lively, who signed on to play Carol Ferris, and then Peter Saarsgard signed on to play Hector Hammond, a dangerous telepath whose contact with an alien force turns him into a major threat against the security of Earth. I've been making some calls yesterday and today, and what I'm hearing actually confirms some earlier rumors online from October of 2009, when Harry Knowles first

The Thing Prequel Character Breakdown

The Thing Prequel Character Breakdown Director Matthijs Van Heijningen is gearing up for a March shoot of Strike Entertainment and Universal Pictures' The Thing in Toronto, Canada, and Bloody Disgusting has got a small new piece of information for ya. Apparently, the studio is using Eric Heisserer's (A Nightmare on Elm Street) version of the screenplay that begins when an alien spaceship is discovered far beneath the ice near a remote Antarctica outpost. We're told that a group of scientists decide to thaw out a creature from inside that kicks off the mayhem at the camp. It is said to be a prequel, check out our exclusive interview with Heisserer for more info. John Carpenter's 1982 film of the same name was a remake of the 1951 The Thing from Another World. [KATE LLOYD] In her late 20s to early 30s, pretty, bright-eyed, intelligent, she's a graduate of Columbia and a Ph.D. candidate in paleontology (the study of prehistoric life). On the recommendation of her frie

Marc Webb To Spin A Web On Spider-Man Reboot?

Marc Webb To Spin A Web On Spider-Man Reboot? Marc Webb, the (500) Days Of Summer director, has climbed to the top of the Sony Pictures' list to rebirth the Spider-Man franchise. While the studio has a wish list of star directors like James Cameron, David Fincher, and Wes Anderson, the emergence of Webb as director comes as a huge surprise. But Mike Fleming's sources tell him Webb met about the Spidey reboot with the pic's producers and executives looking to get the picture into production later this year for a Summer 2012 release. Why will the pic take so long? Because it's likely to be shot in 3-D, and Sony Pictures plans to make an announcement about that "at the appropriate time". Though he has the perfect name for the job, Webb has no prior superhero experience. (Hey, I saw Darkman and that was more of a science experiment that a superhero.) Then again, neither did Sam Raimi. And Chris Nolan was the director of Memento when he signed on for Batman Begins

Daniel Craig In Negotiation To Star In "Cowboys and Aliens"

Daniel Craig In Negotiation To Star In "Cowboys and Aliens" DreamWorks and Jon Favreau are in talks with Daniel Craig to play the lead role in "Cowboys and Aliens" after Robert Downey Jr. ankled the project. Craig has been offered the role of Jake Johnson in the pic, based on the 2006 graphic novel about a group of Apache Indians and Western settlers who resolve to patch up their differences when an alien spaceship crash-lands in their city. Reps for Craig said it was too early to comment on whether the actor would board "Cowboys and Aliens," which Favreau is directing. Project is written by Roberto Orci, Alex Kurtzman and Damon Lindelof. While it is still early days and Craig has not officially accepted the role, the thesp does have a long-standing relationship with DreamWorks, having appeared in "Munich" and "Road to Perdition." Please Leave A Comment- Source- Variety