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New Toy Story 3 Picture-Here We Come Sunnyside

New Toy Story 3 Picture-Here We Come Sunnyside Here is a new story summary which comes from the junior novelization of the film that fills in a few little missing pieces. Mostly with who the antagonist or villain in the film will be… Lots-o’ Huggin’ Bear, and what his deal is. When Andy grows up and gets ready to leave for college, Buzz Lightyear, Woody, and all the other toys end up being donated to Sunnyside Daycare by accident. There are plenty of spare parts and batteries at Sunnyside, plus lots of children, all ready for playtime. Unfortunately, being played with by the youngest toddlers turns out to be torture. And Lots-o’-Huggin’ Bear, the leader of the daycare toys, does nothing to help. To make matters worse, Buzz seems to have joined forces with Lotso. Only Woody is daring enough to plan an escape! Will he succeed and save the toys? Find out in the Junior Novelization, a complete retelling of the new hit Disney•Pixar movie Toy Story 3 that also features eight pages of full-co

Creature From the Black Lagoon Gets A New Director

Creature From the Black Lagoon Gets A New Director When director Breck Eisner parted ways with Universal's remake of "Creature From the Black Lagoon" earlier this year, fans of the 1950s camp classic wondered if and when the new film would ever see the light of day. But now the story of Gill-Man and his victims is getting a new director -- and possibly some new momentum. Carl Rinsch, the hot commercials director who recently signed on to direct the samurai adventure "47 Ronin" for Universal, is now also in talks to direct "Creature From the Black Lagoon" for the studio. Here's an example of his work- The movie, which was originally shot and shown in 3D -- a very primitive, 1950s kind of 3D -- revolves around a mythic monster who spooks scientists (and the requisite beautiful damsel) in the Amazon. Cronenberg's early film (it was released in 1979, part of his own brood of '70s horror movies, two years before his landmark "Scanners"

Ridley Scott's Robin Hood Trailer Starring Russell Crowe

Ridley Scott's Robin Hood Trailer Starring Russell Crowe This is not Kevin Costner's Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. All I have to say is WoW. The trailer looks Awesome. It is late 12th century England and Sir Robin Hood of Locksley, Earl of Huntington, (Russell Crowe) has returned to his North English village after fighting in the Third Crusade. Upon arrival, the nobleman and his servant discover the oppression caused by the new Sheriff of Nottingham (Matthew Macfadyen). Sir Robin uses his intelligence and military skills to free his home village from tyranny and corruption in England, by taking back what is rightfully his, and by taking back what rightfully is theirs, to restore justice and happiness to England. Robin must also win the affection of the recently widowed Lady Marian (Cate Blanchett) while leading his Merry Men of Sherwood Forest to victory and fairness. Please Leave A Comment-

Christopher Nolan's Inception Poster

Christopher Nolan's Inception Poster-Leonaro DiCaprio In High Waters The first official poster for Christopher Nolan's Inception has been discovered in a new viral mini-game. I hope this is a sign of things to come, as the viral for The Dark Knight was the best we've ever seen, and I want to see more virals like that. The poster is a similar design to the Joker poster from TDK but this time it has Leonaro DiCaprio facing away from us standing in knee-deep water rushing into a city. No, this isn't another Roland Emmerich disaster movie, this is part of someone's dreams or imagination. That doesn't really explain much, but it's still cool to see. More info on the viral can be found beneath the poster below. A thriller set within the architecture of the mind about a CEO who is involved in a blackmailing scandal. Inception is both written and directed by acclaimed Oscar nominated British filmmaker Christopher Nolan, of Memento, Insomnia, Batman Begins, The Pr

Gentle Giant Christmas Blow Out

Gentle Giant Christmas Blow Out Gentle Giant is having their annual Christmas sale, and if your looking for a great deal then head over there now. Over 50% off. I can say that I do own a few, well more then a few Gentle Gaint statues. Which are all top notch. And this is one of the best times to pick up a few extra statues at a great price to add them to your collection. Click here to view Entire sale Gentle Giant Ltd. designs, develops, and manufactures three-dimensional representations of beloved characters from a variety of franchise properties with worldwide name recognition, including Star Wars, The Matrix, Harry Potter, The Simpsons, Hellboy Animated, Disney Dragonkind, Animated Pirates of the Caribbean, Lord of the Rings, Red Star, Terminator, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Corpse Bride. Gentle Giant Ltd. produces a wide range of products including mini busts, statues, Bust-Ups, action figures, 12" figures and models. Gentle Giant Ltd.'s products are manufacture

"Damn Nation" Film Gets Their Hands On "Thor" Writers

"Damn Nation" Film Gets Their Hands On "Thor" Writers Ashley Edward Miller and Zack Stentz, who wrote "Thor" for Marvel, have come aboard to pen "Damn Nation," a futuristic vampire project lurking at Paramount. Dark Horse Entertainment's Mike Richardson and Keith Goldberg are producing the adaptation, which is based on a comic by Andrew Cosby and art by Jason Alexander (not the "Seinfeld" actor.) Michael Aguilar and Dean Georgaris are also producing. Set in a U.S. evacuated after an attack from "inhuman nocturnal predators," the comic tells the tale of the survivors after the government has been forced to relocate to London while scientists search for a solution. Cosby and his Boom! Studios partner Ross Richie are exec producing. Please Leave A Comment- Source- THR

Mel Gibson To Take A Summer Vacation

Mel Gibson To Take A Summer Vacation Mel Gibson has set up his next starring vehicle, which reassembles the key members of his "Apocalypto" team. Gibson will topline the action drama "How I Spent My Summer Vacation," based on a screenplay he penned. News surfaced a few days after Gibson committed to directing Leonardo DiCaprio in a pic about Viking culture . "Summer Vacation" centers on a career criminal who gets caught by Mexican authorities and is sent to a drug- and crime-filled prison, where he learns how to survive with the help of a 9-year-old boy. Gibson has written only two other screenplays in his career: "Apocalypto" and "The Passion of the Christ," both of which he directed. Though "Summer Vacation" would seem a natural fit for Gibson to helm, he is passing the torch to his protege Adrian Grunberg, who was first a.d. on "Apocalypto." Stacy Perskie, who was second a.d. on the Mayan thriller, will produce &q

Frank Miller's Gearing Up For Prequel To "300"

Frank Miller's Gearing Up For Prequel To "300" Hidden in the article from the La Times I found some juicy news about the prequel to the film "300" The Zack Snyder film, the highest-grossing March release ever, was based on Frank Miller’s graphic novel about King Leonidas and his doomed army of Spartans; Miller is preparing a follow-up now titled “Xerxes,” which begins about 10 years before the events of “300,” and Snyder has expressed interest in it as a film property as well. “It’s the battle of Marathon through my lens,” Miller said Wednesday. “I’ve finished the plot and I’m getting started on the artwork.” Miller said he is not surprised Greece is resurgent in Hollywood. “Every generation returns to ancient Greece because, well, the stories are so damn good,” said the artist, who also directed last year’s “The Spirit.” Miller said that during his research trips to Greece he realized that the myth and history overlap begins to blur, which adds to the storytel

Sam Worthington As Captain America?

Sam Worthington As Captain America? First off I know that he is from Australia and not America, How dare I suggest him for the role of an American hero. I could care less where he is from. I for one wouldn't mind seeing him play the Iconic Role Steve Rogers (Captain America) I am a huge fan of the Captain America comic books and have become a huge fan of Sam Worthington. When I first saw him in "Rogue " Yes it was a Bad movie, well really bad but I thought he did a great job in the film for what is was worth. Then next came Terminator-Salvation, which he as the best part of the film. Cameron's sci-fi epic movie, he was wearing a very nice stylized T-shirt featuring Marvel superhero Captain America on it. The very act of wearing that shirt sparked rumors that he was angling for the role of Steve Rogers in The First Avenger: Captain America, one of the films Marvel is producing leading up to an Avengers movie. Worthington laughed when asked about it. "I know, the b

Sundance Equipped For Kristen Stewart Mania ?

Sundance Equipped For Kristen Stewart Mania ? Looks like she will be taking over Park City,Utah In 2010. And is Sundance ready for it? She will be having two of her films screening at the annual event this year. The first film look really interesting and has got me wanting to know more about the film. The film is called Welcome to the Rileys . Trauma transforms us. Years after their teenage daughter’s death, Lois and Doug Riley, an upstanding Indiana couple, are frozen by estranging grief. She isolates herself in their immaculate suburban home. He philanders with a local waitress, anesthetizing pain with easy passion. When he loses his mistress to cancer, Doug, beset by further heartache, escapes to New Orleans on a business trip. Compelled by urgencies he doesn’t understand, he insinuates himself into the life of an underage hooker, becoming her platonic guardian. Meanwhile, Lois summons all of her remaining force to overcome agoraphobia and venture south to reclaim her marriage. Exac