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TV Recap: #GameOfThrones S05E01 "The Wars To Come"

TV Recap: Game of Thrones S05E01 "The Wars To Come" Last season we saw the Purple Wedding. Sansa leave with Littlefinger. Daenerys take a city. Tommen become king. Tyrion won and lost his trial by combat. Dany locked away her dragons after Drogon killed a child and flew away. Jon Snow return to the black brothers and Ygritte die in his arms. The wall come under attack, Stannis come to the Wall's aid. The Hound fought Brienne, and lost. Jamie release his brother and Tyrion murder his traitorous whore and his own father. Every year has been bigger and better than the previous one, and the map or Westeros and the surrounding kingdoms have expanded yet again. A pair of girls trudge in the mud. The brown haired one fears if the blonde's father finds out, but the blonde assures her that she doesn't have to fear her father. They come across a hut in the woods. The brown haired one thinks that they should not enter, but the blonde urges them forward. The blo


TV Recap: SALEM S02E01: CRY HAVOC Salem had a heck of a first season proving that witches could be downright terrifying on television. It left off last season with Mary completing the Grand Rite. Mercy went off the deep end to protect the innocents, proclaiming herself the Queen of the Night. John learned the truth about Mary, and loved her anyways. He wanted to run off with her, but she left him hanging. Issac foolishly fell prey to the Grand Rite. Cotton killed his own father to save Mary. And Mary was reunited with the child she thought was lost. Season two pricks up with a child sneaking about on the docks. He goes to steal a chicken, and the night watchman gives chase. The man chases the child all the way to Knocker's Hole. He hesitates entering, but hearing banging, he heads inside. He comes to the courtyard, and hears the clucking just on the otherside of a pair of doors leading down. A little girl warns him from entering, Death lies inside. He doesn't heed he


TV Recap: THE FLASH S01E1: TRICKSTERS Wells finally revealed his secret to Cisco, and Barry had to admit that Joe was right about Dr. Wells, but a bit of time traveling nulled that timeline, as well as the kiss he shared with Iris. 15 years ago. Barry's mother puts Barry to sleep when a pair of speedsters enter her home in a fight. They fight around her, and she ends up dying. Barry shows everything that he knows about Wells. Wells is a speedster, and his machine made Barry the Flash, it's all connected. Since Barry got struck by lightening Wells has done everything he could to make Barry faster. They're unsure if he's the Reverse Flash, but he's something. Whatever Wells wants from Barry he's been patient, scary patient, since this all started fifteen years ago. Balloons float down from the sky. They look innocent enough, until the balloons touchdown and begin exploding. Barry runs in and saves one of the children before he can grab the explosive gi


TV Recap: WALKING DEAD S05E16: "CONQUER" It's been a long season full of heartbreak, and now the finale is upon us. Rumors have been swirling for weeks that we're going to lose yet another beloved cast member. Fan have feared for Daryl, and personally I've feared for Glenn, those little nods to baseball bats have been almost too much. But I'm really worried about Abraham, he bites the big one in the comics too. Who lives, who dies. Lets find out. Morgan sleeps in a car that's seen better days. It's been awhile since we've seen Morgan. He looks up at a lucky rabbit's foot and smiles. Around a small fire, Morgan makes his meal. A man approaches with a gun. He thinks Morgan's breakfast looks good. Morgan asks what the W on his forehead means. He gives Morgan a little history lesson. He likes Morgan. He doesn't usually get to chat with the new people he meets. He sees new people often, but its usually when his group is overwhelming ano


TV Recap: WALKING DEAD S05E15 "TRY" By: Suepafly The walkers have been freshly fed. It's dark in Deanna's house, candles light the room. She plays her son's awful run mix. The loud beats fill the quiet room as she morns his loss. Carol makes a casserole and tries to write a note, but can't quite find the words as she watches Judith on the video monitor. Sam peeks in her windows. Sasha watches from her post. She can't quite concentrate though. A walker shambles close. Spencer turns off the noise. There's a knock at the door. The walker continues its pace. Carol left the casserole, with a note saying that they're sorry for their loss on Deanna's doorstep. Deanna takes the note, leaves the casserole. She burns the note in front of her husband and son. The walker makes it to the walls of Alexandria. Sasha finally takes the shot from her tower. Outside, Daryl uses an arrow and takes out another. Aaron points out that ther


TV Recap: THE FLASH S01E15 "OUT OF TIME" By: Suepafly It's been a long break, but now The Flash is back, and I am so ready for Barry to learn Wells' secret! A year ago. Joe lost his partner, two brothers went into the air via plane, and then the particle accelerator malfunctioned. We know what happened to Clyde when the plane went down, but what happened to Mark. Now. Barry takes Linda out bowling, thinking that he could actually beat her at this something, when they run into Eddie and Iris. Because oh joy, that's just the person Linda wants to see. Iris shows her enthusiasm, and bowling skills. Linda seems to be on the same page of less than enthusiastic about bowling, and Iris a little too touchy feely with Barry for Linda's liking. The coroner looks over a body when Mark walks in the door, back from the dead. He wants to know who killed his brother. The poor old coroner isn't sure, he performs hundred of autopsies. Mark turns to a little ball