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Showing posts with the label Smuggler's Bounty


#StarWarsSmugglersBounty Review: January 2016

The Star Wars/Funko Smuggler's Bounty sub box sparks familiar (and disappointing) themes. Review by Matt Cummings As we've chronicled for you over the past year, geek subscription boxes have been mired in a whipsaw that see quality and timing take a consistent beating. One month it's the extraordinary, the next we're wondering why we bothered. Few have consistently presented their best face, with Marvel Collector Corps and Star Wars rising to the top. But as we saw with this month's Smuggler's Bounty , some contents are starting to repeat themselves. Before diving in, let's review the details: The cost for a Month to Month is $25 (plus S/H), or $150 (plus S/H) for a one-year subscription. You get one box every other month, with SB promising $50 in value and no fluff. If you choose the Smuggler membership (yearly), you are promised an additional gift on your anniversary. Guess which one we chose. Sporting a theme of THE RESISTANCE, this

#StarWarsSmugglersBounty Unboxing: December 2015

The first Star Wars/Funko box arrives with geeky goodness. Review by Matt Cummings Subscription boxes have gone from newest fad to what-have-you-done-for-me-lately. Its meteoric rise has seen truly amazing boxes (last month's Loot Crate) and frankly awful ones, sometimes by the same company (see our ripping of the September Loot Crate ). At the same time, a franchise like Star Wars has chosen to remain on the sidelines. For a franchise with such an amazing fan base, one would have thought the people at Lucasfilm would have deep roots in sub boxes and might moved forward a lot sooner. Regardless of the reasons why, it's time to celebrate their arrival with a great first submission from Smuggler's Bounty . Before diving in, let's review the details: The cost for a Month to Month is $25 (plus S/H), or $150 (plus S/H) for a one-year subscription. You get one box every other month, with SB promising $50 in value and no fluff. If you choose the Smuggler m