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TV Recap: Once Upon A Time "Witch Hunt"

TV Recap: Once Upon A Time "Witch Hunt" By: Sue The Wicked Witch digs through Regina’s things, marveling at all the stiff she left behind. She sends her flying monkey off to find Regina. Red wonders if Regina has really changed, Snow thinks that she has, but she’s not doing well with Henry gone. Regina has a plan though to get back in her castle. One of the monkey’s comes in for the attack, but when Robin’s young son is nearly attacked, Regina steps in and turns the monkey into a stuffed toy. Snow and Charming don’t remember any of their time in the Enchanted Forest. Snow doesn’t think that Regina is involved in the curse. Hook got a note, telling him to get Emma, but the Charmings didn’t send it. Worse, there are many people missing, or turning up missing. Neil hasn’t been founded yet either. Emma decides the best course of action would be to get their memories back. Everyone tries to make sense of what they’ve just seen. Belle knows of the only place that ha