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#GeekFuel Review: October 2015

October's Geek Fuel box gets our money and our loyalty. Sorry/Not Sorry, Loot Crate! Review by Matt Cummings After a disastrous September Loot Crate , The USS SJF pulled out of port, searching for a new subscription box to feed our addiction. We were tired of Loot's decision to remove the t-shirt (our reason for joining in the first place), so we wanted a box that offered one without the pricey upsell for which Loot had become notorious. Luckily, we found an alternative right away, as Geek Fuel delivered with a great October box. Before diving in, let's review the details: The cost for a Month to Month is $17.90, $16.90/month for a 3-month subscription, $15.90/month for a 6-month tour and just $13.90/month for a one-year subscription. Shipping $6.00 to the US, Canada, and at least a few other countries. Rather than spend time taking the thing apart, let's allow the pictures to sell how cool this box is, and we'll provide some additional thoughts a