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IN TIME Movie Review By: Rama

IN TIME Movie Review
By: Rama

Did Rama run out of time before the movie was over with? Make to follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

IN TIME to me is nothing but Justin Timberlake’s sad and desperate attempt to play James Bond, Robin Hood, and Clyde all in one film. Writer/director Andrew Niccol’s concept has potential but it drowns in his philosophies and sermons. What a shame really, because I did admire Gattaca and Lord Of War. IN TIME however is just a showcase of models…

When Will Salas is falsely accused of murder, he must figure out a way to bring down a system where time is money – literally – enabling the wealthy to live forever while the poor, like Will, have to beg, borrow, and steal enough minutes to make it through another day

Age is supposed to stop at 25, now people are still aging but their look, their body remain at 25, so yes Olivia Wilde who plays Justin Timberlake’s mom, has officially become this year’s cinema’s ultimate MILF.

Now, Timberlake did a pretty decent acting job in Black Snake Moan and The Social Network, but I don’t see any of that potential in his performance as Will Salas, as a matter of fact, if you want a great example as to why JT doesn’t belong in cinema and should stick to music, go watch IN TIME, it says it all in his expressions and his narrow range of emotions.

But I think the blame is also on Niccol’s script.

The film has a bit of LOGAN’S RUN and a bit of MINORITY REPORT and a bit of THE FUGITIVE but unfortunately, it only touches ‘a bit’ and that’s about it. The rest is mainly magazine cover people and then JT and Seyfried constantly doing 5K runs. Once again, the concept is interesting, the story is set in a future where time is literally, and I mean literally, the currency. It’s cool to see how the film shows people trading time like we exchange money, it has its own scanning machine like the ones we have that read bar-codes, but in their case, their machines give and take away the time that glows in the dark on their forearms.
And underneath that is plot is a political subplot regarding over population and its impact on the world’s balance and economy.

Niccol’s script goes and on and on and on preaching about man is not supposed to live forever, man wants to live forever, the rich are bad and the ghetto people are uncontrollable, but when it comes down to it, the story is dull, it’s got plenty of social commentary but not enough thrill, the chase and interaction between the Timekeeper played by Cillian Murphy and the suspects JT and Seyfried is anything but clever. Any chance of the film reaching any type of profundity gets killed by the story’s over ambitious approach and the mediocre performances by actors who are not able to offer more than be easy on the eyes.

GRADE: 2 out of 5

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