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Easter Eggs For X-Men: First Class. Did You Spot Them?

"X-Men: First Class" hits theaters this weekend, and like all good comic book movies, it's packed full of nods to its comic book source material and the existing X-Men movie universe. Via splashpage.

If you have seen the movie were you able to spot the Easter eggs? Did you SPOT THAT MUTANT? Or See the two Cameos in the film?

I got details on a few Easter eggs you don't want to get left out on.

In 2003's "X2," Brian Cox played William Stryker, a government agent on a quest to eradicate all mutants. In "X-Men: First Class," we're introduced to his father, William Stryker, Sr. Playing the role is actor Don Creech, and there's a mention of the younger William Stryker during a pivotal scene in the film.

When Charles Xavier tries out Cerebro for the first time, he scans the world for mutants to make contact with. At one point, his search pauses on a dark-skinned girl with bright white hair. Could it be the weather-controlling mutant? What about the other young mutants his search pans over?

Late in the film, Magneto refers to the mutants who side with him as his "brothers" — which could easily be interpreted as a nod to "The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants," the group he eventually forms to oppose the X-Men.

A character everyone's been asking about makes a brief but memorable appearance at one point in the film, and though the details have already been making the rounds online, I'll leave this one for you to find on your own. Trust me: you won't miss it.

In what might be an even more surprising cameo, there's a nice nod to one of the actresses who played a big role in the original "X-Men" franchise. You'll have to keep an eye out for this one, but it's worth it.

And there you have it, folks: Five elements to look for in "X-Men: First Class" when you head to the theaters this weekend. There are definitely more of them in the film, so make sure to let me know what you find!

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