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Brothers Review By Chocolate Thunder

Brothers Movie Review
Review By:Chocolate Thunder

Looks Like The Thunder came down on this film, By SandwichJohnFilm's Residential Film Reviewer. Ouch.

In the review there are spoilers so if you plan on attending this film u have been Warned

So its been a while since I graced a movie seat with my chocolate tail. A young lady and I decided to go see the movie "Brothers", what a mistake. This movie was supposed to be about a loving husband who was presumed to be dead and his out of prison, alcoholic brother steps up and helps out the family. In doing so he and his sister in law start a romance. Did that happen in the movie, well not really. If you really want to see this movie; don't read on.

There are a whole lot of mis steps in this movie. The movie starts out okay where they paint the picture of 30 year old Marine Captain Cahill. Here is my first question. Can you really be about 30 and be Captain? I haven't served anytime in the military so I cant really answer that, but it seemed really odd. Though they never say age in the movie, some things elude to him being young. No problem, I brushed over that one.

He gets called off to Afghan. No issues there. While there his chopper was hit and one body was thrown out and he jumped out to save him. They don't really show that part, but that's what happened. Everyone else in the chopper perished. They next show the wife getting the notification of the death and the sadness ensues. In comes the brother. He gets the news from the sis in law after he gets caught bringing the brother's "borrowed truck" back to the house. He leaves in anger and isn't seen again till the funeral where he and his father continues on this bitter rivalry that they have.

One faithful night, Natalie Portman gets a call from the brother in law stating he is in a bar, not really drunk, but behind in his bar tab and needs to be helped out. Now lets set this up - from the beginning she hated this guy, but tolerated him because she was her husband's brother; he has not contributed nothing to the lives of her, her kids, his parents or his brother, but she gets a call at 4 in the morning and she goes financially bails him out and then brings him back home with her. This act of kindness turns him to start helping out the family. Re-doing the kitchen, hanging with his nieces and re-kindling his bond with his father.

Cut scene to Afghan and we see an imprisoned Capt and private. They are tortured, beaten and starved to get information out of them. Toward the end of the torture the Capt is told to complete a task and he will be released to his family. He had to severely beat his private and friend with a lead pipe. This is a MARINE that is told that if he wanted to not only live, but see his family again he had to kill his private. Think about that..................I don't think so. Out of the Marines that I know, none of them would have down that. They would of requested that their lives be taken instead and died with honor and integrity. Well the good Captain kills his private. I was done with this movie at that point. I hated it from there on out.

So here is the "Affair" in the movie. The brother and sis-inn-law after about what seems to be a week or two of hanging out decided to sit and drink beers in front of a candle lit fireplace and soft music playing in the back. A disaster waiting to happen. Well he then pulls out a joint (weed) from his pocket and sparks up. She proves she is no square and takes a couple of hits. Then comes the pause and stare........and the kiss! It lasted all of about 3 seconds. They both got up and went their separate ways. That was the whole affair. Now of course there was some feelings developing but not what the directors was trying to convey...........Oh and if that was me and Natalie Portman, there would have been a whole lot more cause she is hot.

Captain gets rescued and comes home and is obviously off his rocker. He is obsessed with the fact that his brother could have been screwing his wife. So while at the ice skating rink he asks his brother and I quote, "Did you Fuck Grace". Her is the obvious answer, "NO!" Here was his answer, "what's going on with you man, how can you ask me that, I am your brother" That's it. There was no answer of the word NO. There was no assertion of the fact that there was a kiss but nothing happened after that. It was just this half ass uncomfortable answer of "Come on.......come on" Well of course Captain obsesses deeply over this and he finally asks his wife, in the most eloquent ways, "Did you Fuck Tommy?" She answers honestly that there was a kiss and that was all. She also follows that up by saying that she thought he was dead, like that helped.

So Captain bugs out, mainly for what he experienced overseas and no one can console him, not even his Marine Sergeant father. Here is the best/disturbing part of the movie. It is a birthday party for one of the girls its a family affair. There is Captain, his wife, two girls, father, and step mother. In walks Tommy and his new girlfriend. They are all at the table chatting and the oldest little girl is starting to act up

Interjection: Every since Captain has been back he has not been his loving happy self that his family knows, so he scares his girls and they prefer the love of their uncle instead of their father.

So while at the table, the little girl is getting the stink eye from the dad because she is acting out. When he finally snaps at her, she belts out, "I wish you were still dead" "You are just mad that mommy would rather sleep with Uncle Tommy than with you!" WHOOOOAAAAAAA! After that the movie continues to go downhill.

Here is the ending that happened shortly after that. He complete loses his mind (after the girls are in bed) smashes the kitchen that his brother built for the sis-in-law. The wife comes down to talk to him, but he is already pissed to the tilt about her screwing his brother which never happened. The brother comes in to play captain save a sis-in-law and ends up with a very minor struggle that ends with the Captain pulling a gun on the brother. The cops show up, Captain walks outside with his firearm and starts waving it around, fires a shot in the air and then points the gun at his head. He then puts the flag down and is then taken into custody. The movie ends with him in a hospital and his wife visits him and he finally tells her that he killed the private just to be home with her.

1 Sandwich Out of 10.

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