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Captain America: The Winter Soldier Spoilers & Easter Eggs

Story by: Matt Cummings

Time to suit up with these awesome Easter Eggs!

With the warm glow that is now Captain America: The Winter Soldier in theaters, we couldn't help but notice a ton of Easter eggs that make this film so unique. Based on our reviews it's one of the best Marvel movies ever, but these hidden name checks and winks came so fast and furious that you might have missed them all. Just in case you did, here they are in all their glory.

Obviously this article contains HUGE SPOILERS, so click off this page if you accidentally thought we were talking about something else.

1) Batroc The Leaper
Near the beginning of the film, were treated to the old forgotten Marvel villain Batroc the Leaper. A martial arts expert trained in a technique called Savate, Batroc in the comics worked for The Thunderbolts and The Masters of Evil. Here he offers Cap stiff resistance as he and Black Widow board a S.H.I.E.L.D. transport vessel. Nice look for Batroc, and his survival probably ensures we'll see him again.

2) Triskelion! Ha!
We've seen some S.H.I.E.L.D. bases in the lame Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. but to see the home base for the spy agency in the film is boss. And just like in the comics, the base gets torched guessed it...Helicarriers. Awesome!

3) Stark Gets a Lot of Love...Sort Of.
With so many references to heroes outside the Ed Brubaker comic, Cap 2 feels more like a prequel to Avengers 2. And we have zero problem with that. It starts with several mentions of Stark and his dad Howard, including Iron Man's brush with death during Hawkeye's attack on the Helicarrier in The Avengers.

4) Peggy Carter is More Than Just a Hottie.
Yes, Peggy Carter helped to form S.H.I.E.L.D., which we kinda already knew from both Marvel's One Shot and Agents. Nice link here to the comics and possibly the second television show for ABC.

5) Peggy Carter's Not Pretty Anymore.
We had a little tear in our eye as the two met one last time although we wished that the deleted Avengers scene of Cap looking through old files of his Howling Commandos would have been added.

6) Mr. Lau Gets Around!
We saw him in The Dark Knight as the accountant who's picked up by Bats from a blown-out floor. Now he's on the Security Council? Nice.

7) A Birthday Party
Alexander Payne (a pretty darn good Robert Redford) 'requests' Stark at his niece's birthday in exchange for him helping Nick Fury out. Ah, the things we do for love!

8 ) Upgraded
Arnim Zola (played by Toby Jones) was an interesting figure in Red Skull's HYDRA organization in The First Avenger. Now, he exists as we remember him from the comics: a disembodied computerized spirit deep underground who seems to be pulling all the strings. Terrific reveal, and certainly a sign of things to come.

9) Stark's Daddy Got Whacked!
As Cap and Widow learn of Zola's return, we also get this very nice reveal that HYDRA killed Stark's parents. Perfect - when Tony learns this (and you know he will) he'll Don the suit again in a perfect act of revenge. I got a woody from this one.

10) Senator Stern
First seen in Iron Man 2 as the asshole behind the Senate seat, Stark's enemy makes a cameo here as he's being arrested by the FBI. Nice to see that Writers Stephen McFeely and Christopher Markus are smart enough to know that other universes exist.

11) Stan Lee
We interviewed this guy years ago, and we still love him. It's good to see the MCU does as well, and his appearance as a security guard who realizes someone's stolen Cap's WWII uniform is pretty funny, as he says "I'm so gonna get fired for this!" Doubtful dude, but hilarious nonetheless.

12) Threats To Hydra...
Among our favorite eggs was the name drop of STEPHEN STRANGE aka Doctor Strange during the film's climax. This is the first confirmation of the magician's impending entrance into the MCU. If you've been reading the Web lately, you've already noticed certain names dropped in to the casting calls, but it's nice to know that its more than just rumor now. Welcome to the party, Doctor!

13) Captain Soldier On The Freeway
There's a quick scene in which Bucky gets possession of Cap's shield, basically striking a hero's pose with it. In the comics, Bucky does take over for Cap in Fear Itself. Could this be a sign of things to come when Chris Evans steps away to direct, or do whatever the Hell he wants to do instead of being in the most important franchise since Star Wars? Ok, I'm off my soapbox now.

14) Will the Real Crossbones Please Seek Medical Attention?
After battling several times against Cap, it's revealed that Frank Grillo's character is in fact the long-time enemy Crossbones. We think his heavily burned body will soon be resurrected with the signature mask and a penchant for hating The Spangly One. Notice the cross stripes on his uniforms early in the film.

15) Wait! Nick is Really Jules Winnfield!
Another reason why this film kicks so much ass is its ability to go beyond the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Check out Nick Fury's head stone, which reads, "The path of the righteous man. Ezekiel 25:17." This is in reference to Samuel L. Jack son's portrayal of the hit man in Pulp Fiction. Unbelievable.

16) Sharon Carter
Cap's got a hottie neighbor that just happens to be Agent 13, otherwise known as Peggy Carter's niece, otherwise known as Sharon Carter. She has a fairly deep and interesting comic story to tell, so we hope the casting of Emily Van Decamp is not a one-time trick.

17) With a Little Help From...Ed Brubaker?
If you don't know who he is, just look on the cover of any Winter Soldier comic from the 2000's. He's the reason why the series exists in the first place, and his cameo in the film is the perfect 'Thank You' to a brilliant idea.

18) Targeting...Avengers Tower??
Once the Insight Helicarriers go online, they begin to target buildings and people of interest.  Of these targets, the most interesting is a certain building in New York featured in The Avengers...Stark Tower, now rebranded to Avengers Tower!  This makes a certain amount of sense considering the events in Winter Soldier.  AT is a central gathering location throughout the Marvel comics, and considering the destruction of S.H.I.E.L.D. as we know it, we're sure to be seeing it in future films.

20) A Necklace for Hawkeye?
If you didn't look fast enough, you might have missed a little tip-of-the-hat around Black Widow's neck: a arrow necklace!  We see it after Cap and Widow get attacked by S.H.I.E.L.D. and it's prominent throughout acts 2 & 3.  Is Widow missing her some Hawkeye, who was largely mistreated throughout The Avengers?

21) Post-Credit's Scene #1
But we're not done yet! In the first PCS, we're treated to the arrival of Baron Strucker, leader of HYDRA. Yes, the organization still survives and actually plays a nice part throughout the film. As news of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s exposure also unearths HYDRA, we see Strucker in an undisclosed location, gloating about the end of days. As he walks with an aide, Strucker considers whether it's time to activate 'The Twins. ' The camera spins around to two holding cells, where none other than QUICKSILVER and THE SCARLETT WITCH are being held. While these two play pivotal roles in Age of Ultron, it's important to remember that they're actually not Strucker's creations in the comics but Magneto's children. The reason for the change is that Fox currently (and sadly) owns all movie distribution rights to X-Men and all of its characters, including Magneto and his children. Anyways, as Strucker looks upon his creations, he utters, "We live in the age of miracles.".

22) PCS #1a...The Spear!
Remember that pesky spear that Loki had in The Avengers? Well, it's baaaack!! As the end of that first PCS happens, the camera turns to reveal that Strucker's somehow gotten his hands on it. Thanos gave Loki the spear, and it's quite possible that the big guy wants it back. With the MCU clearly favoring items over stones to build the Infinity Gauntlet (Ether, Cube, sphere thingy in Guardians of the Galaxy), it's possible that Thanos will start some sort of the conflict that might start in Age of Ultron. What a great reveal!

21) Post Credits Scene #2 - Bucky Comes Home
Long after the credits, we see the wing of the Smithsonian Institute dedicated to Captain America, a scene which plays through several times in the film. As the camera revisits the display of Bucky Barnes and his back story, we see a disguised Winter Soldier reading about his past. Clearly, Bucky now knows who he really is, and it's a nice bookend to what had become a violent career for Cap's best friend. On a side note, we're beginning to see these last scenes becoming more about tying up loose ends than previewing something new in a future film. It happens in IM3 (Tony talking to Banner), Thor 2 (the make-out scene), and now here with Bucky. That seems to be the trend, and quite different than the original Iron Man, when we learn about Nick Fury.

Our fingers are tired of typing, but let us know if we missed anything.

Our thanks to for the inspiration.

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