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Top Gun 3D Blu-ray Review

Top Gun 3D Blu-ray Review
By: MattIn RC

Top Gun 3D is impressive, even if the film itself has its issues.

As a moviegoer who refuses to accept failure from Hollywood, Top Gun has remained on my shelf, signifying nothing less than total respect for it.  In my opinion, Top Gunrepresented the beginning of modern action/war cinema, setting the standards for authenticity and cooperation by our armed forces to give us a glimpse inside their world.  It was a ridiculously simple formula: add great one-liners, mix in some top-shelf action sequences and a rock-themed soundtrack, with a dark and elusive central character, and you have the long-time standard for the Military-Themed-DramAction.  The film launched 80's heartthrob Tom Cruise (Mission Impossible series) into the stratosphere, making him one of the biggest box office draws during that time.  Top Gun solidified a career that's now spanned three decades, outdistancing competitors Schwarzenegger and Stallone in every way.  But Top Gun also introduced audiences to Michael Ironside, Val Kilmer, Tom Skerritt, and the Grace Kelly of America in Kelly McGillis.  Audiences responded by making it the highest-grossing movie in 1986, soaring past Aliens and Platoon, each of which has frankly held up better over time.  With its arrival on 3D, we see a completely new version of what was an ambitious and highly entertaining film for its time.

The Movie - 3.5/5
Cruise plays the brilliant but dangerous US Navy fighter pilot Maverick, whose encounter with a Russian MIG-28 over the Indian Ocean has raised the eyebrows of his commander aboard the USS Enterprise (James Tolkan, Back to the Future).  Worried about Maverick's airborne stunts but unable to deny the request, he grudgingly sends him and co-pilot Goose (Anthony Edwards, Revenge of the Nerds) to the advanced fighter school known as Top Gun.  There, the arrogant duo meet their match in the form of the perfectly-chiseled Iceman (Val Kilmer, Tombstone), who's better than Maverick in every way, but is also worried that Maverick's wild-west approach will get the wrong person killed.  Cue the arrival of instructors Viper (Tom Skerritt, Alien) and Jester (Michael Ironside, Starship Troopers), who teach the recruits how to work together to protect each other while improving their skills.  But Maverick comes with baggage that no instructor can fix, including the specter of his father's failure as a Vietnam fighter pilot and a deep-seeded fear that he too will fail during a critical moment.  As disaster and personal loss strikes the duo, Maverick's relationship with flight instructor Charlie (Kelly McGillis, Witness) intensifies, leading to a classic moment of truth in the form of a final showdown with those pesky Russian MIG-28's.

Basking in over-the-top cinematic dramatics, Top Gun feels dated and just a bit cheesy.  Watching it 26 years after its release, I find my once-total respect for it a definitely dulled, due in no small part to the B-level acting of Cruise's supporting cast.  Also, I had forgotten just how many times Berlin's Take My Breath Away was used, overused, then beat down on us like a rented mule.  Blame Director Tony Scott (Days of Thunder), who delivered the schmaltz far too many times.  He does know how to shoot good-looking scenes while wrapping us into the story; but, that dramatic edge is so obsessed with trying to be important and majestic that it merely comes off as repetitive and even unintentional funny at points.  Of course, all of that disappears when the jets start roaring, which I'm sure was the reason we crammed the theaters in the first place.

Another issue is the film's unrealistic ending, which assumes that Maverick and Iceman could somehow return unscathed after being outmatched 3-1 against faster and more maneuverable jets to a rock theme that's been mocked thoroughly over the years.  But let's be clear: Top Gun is a story about relationships wrapped around high-altitude steel, and I love it for that.  To revisit a movie whose story actually furthers the action, and whose memorable one-liners are quoted even today, is unique onto itself  I also appreciated the major character death, which still snaps the audience out of any complacency it may have had.  Skerritt is terrific as the man with all the answers about Maverick's dad and who knows how many roles Ironside landed after playing Jester. Its 'arrogant men have feelings' formula would be repeated in 1988's Die Hard, and continues to inspire action writers as we navigate through a dangerous new century.  Top Gun is pre-9/11 flag-touting, but it's still a wild ride, so long as we're in a forgiving mood. 

The Video - 4.5/5
I know a lot of grief has been rightfully thrown the 2D version's way, which was released in 2008 (grain over-scrubbed and complexions too rubbery and red), but this is a review for the 3D, so let's talk about the new print.  If the 2D contains all the above (including white pops and dirt, if you can believe it), there's zero evidence of it in the 3D print.  I've been harsh on 3D for its gimmick, but Top Gun looks simply amazing in the format, demonstrating that Paramount actually sought to correct its own mistake with a vastly improved version.  The biggest surprise is the sense of depth displayed, from the encounter on the Indian Ocean, to dinner at Charlie's house, to the outdoor environments around Miramar.  It's most effective when land and sky are combined, giving the viewer that needed point of comparison.  In short, you need to see it to believe it.  Most of that sensation disappears in the close-quarters action scenes, but that's ok because even fine details like metal screws and instrumentation are visible, adding that layer of depth which I mentioned.  In the end, you'd think you were in the cockpit staring those MIG-28's down.  Everything else is enhanced and polished without that rubberized over-scrubbing, with colors that are more realistic than ever.  One hopes that Paramount will revisit the 2D disc one day to give us a completely cleaned up version of this 80s classic.

The Audio - 5/5
Exploding, busting at the seams, and blaring at the top of its lungs, Top Gun's 3D audio is an impressive dual offering: a Dolby TrueHD 5.1 track and a DTS-HD MA 6.1 mix. After sampling both, it's clear that people's opinions of the superior DTS version is worth switching.  It's not just a louder track, but it's the depth of that volume that impressed me.  Sounds move effortlessly and dynamically across the front channels, with rocking engine roar and dialogue mixing well.  Take the impressive opening encounter as evidence - there's a real sense you are flying with them, experiencing things like Cougar's rough landing onto the Enterprise.  LFE gets an impressive workout too, churning the deep end with explosions, engine effects, and Maverick's motorcycle.  I love this lossless surround environment, which is vastly improved and more dynamic than ever before - everything from office chatter, wind, and instrumentation effects.  Spend some time switching between these tracks to hear the difference.
Supplements - 5/5
Top Gun engages the enemy with an impressive supplemental package, even though it's all in 480p:
  • Commentary Track with Producer Jerry Bruckheimer, Director Tony Scott, Co-screenwriter Jack Epps, Jr., Captain Mike Galpin, Technical Advisor Pete Pettigrew, and Vice Admiral Mike McCabe. This is an insightful but somewhat disjointed track, as Producer Bruckheimer's comments were recorded separately.  Nevertheless, it's still refreshing to see Paramount allowed Galpin, Pettigrew, and McCabe's tracks to remain, as they do point out the many technical inaccuracies of the movie.
  • Danger Zone: The Making of 'Top Gun' (2:27:42): One of the most extraordinary documentaries about a film I've ever seen, this takes you through every bit of the film's production, you can choose to watch the entire documentary or individual chapters, which include The Making of 'Top Gun' From the Ground Up Pre-Production, Playing with the Boys Production: Land and Sea, The Need For Speed Production: Air, Back to Basics Visual Effects, Combat Rock: The Music of Top Gun, and Afterburn Release and Impact.  
  • Multi-Angle Storyboards: This showcases two scenes from the film - Flat Spin (4:02) and Jester's Dead (2:53).  We're provided storyboards and optional commentary by Director Tony Scott.
  • Best of the Best: Inside the Real Top Gun (28:46): For those of you who want more information about the inner-workings and history of the real-world training facility, this one's for you.  It might be the best item here.
  • Vintage Gallery: A mish-mash of minor extras, we're treated to four music videos - Danger Zone (3:56), Take My Breath Away (4:30), Heaven In Your Eyes (4:05), andThe Top Gun Anthem (4:25) with Composer Harold Faltermeyer and Billy Idol guitarist Steve Stevens. We are also given seven vintage television spots (3:46 total), along with a Behind-the-Scenes Featurette (5:30).  Survival Training Featurette (7:30) focuses on the water training the actors undertook. Finally, an interview with Tom Cruise (480p, 6:42) rounds out what appears to be a total porting of the DVD supplements.
The very cool lenticular slipcase features Cruise but sadly no one else.  I also didn't like the lack of interior artwork, but a Digital Copy is always appreciated.  It's only a slightly dropped ball here, but nothing that should detract from the experience.

The Bottom Line - 4/5
Top Gun 3D is an impressive high-flying effort to be sure, as it's certainly the best post-3D conversion since Titanic.  Perhaps we're seeing studios getting more smarter and more serious about Post-3D, which could finally bring Hollywood the credit that it's been seeking.  Perhaps one day Paramount will update the 2D to put a 'completed' stamp on things?  If you can also accept  the practical inconsistencies of the flying, the cheesiness of the dialogue, and the general over-the-top rock-and-roll sensibility that consistently smacks you on the head, then TG3D is a blind buy to be sure.  Top Gun is rated PG and has a runtime of 110 minutes.


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