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Faster Movie Review By: SandwichJohn

Faster Movie Review
By: SandwichJohn

Going into this movie I was really looking forward to seeing Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson laying down the Smackdown and beating up some Jabroni's in the film. This film is Johnson return to adults films since Gridiron Gang ( I don't count The Other Guys) and after seeing this movie he should have passed on this film.

After 10 years in prison, Driver (Dwayne Johnson) has a singular focus—to avenge the murder of his brother during the botched bank robbery that led to his imprisonment. Now a free man with a deadly to-do list in hand, he's finally on his mission...but with two men on his trail—a veteran cop (Billy Bob Thornton) just days from retirement, and a young egocentric hitman (Oliver Jackson-Cohen) with a flair for the art of killing and a newfound worthy opponent. The hunter is also the hunted. It's a do or die race to the list's finish as the mystery surrounding his brother's murder deepens, and new details emerge along the way hinting that Driver's list may be incomplete.

The film starts out with a horrible opening sequence when James Cullen (Johnson) is released from jail. Then they add these 1980 title shots with the word Driver to introduce his character. When I saw this I knew this film might be going down the wrong road and I should have turned around. The music score was something out a dirty old bars juke box. BAD! Then the movie title, again a 1980's title, FASTER. I should have put the car in park and left when they did this cheesy title shot. But I said to myself it's the Rock gotta give it a shot, which I did.

Next, you see Cullen running from the prison down this deserty road and it goes on and on. (Thinking, I know this is a movie but he has got to be tried as shit. I almost died running a 5K on Thanksgiving and he seem to be running at least a marathon length.)

The film also stars Billy Bob Thorton and Oliver Jackson-Cohen. Slade Humphries (Thorton) is a cop who is only a few days from retiring from the force and gets the need to have the Driver case as his last one before he retires. Then for some reason they thought this would be a great ideal, lets have a Hitman (Jackson-Cohen) go after the Driver. By adding the Hitman character it made the film even slower, there was no need for this character in the film at all. Why have three different stories when the one story was told so awful?

And the title is deceiving "Faster", you would think there would be some kick ass driving scene in the film. Count them two and neither of them had you jump out of your seat at all. They should have taken some notes when they watched "Ronin."

Tony Gayton and Joe Gayton were the screenwriters of the film and they could have provided more back story to the characters in the film. You really didn't get the feeling like you knew any of them and maybe if they had developed the characters more you would have rooted for them. Some nice action in the film, it was action packed during times. Not the movie I would have chosen for Johnson.

So if you don't have anything to do and you are bored out of your mind, go see something else. Now if you have a dollar theater around you and its playing then I say go for it. I hate to be a hardass on my man The Rock, but this film was just BAD.

3 out 0f 10 sandwiches

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